A Love Letter to The Process of Growth

While I write this, I’m still in “auh” of the work one of my clients just did. The session itself might have looked like nothing impressing from the outside. For me, being in it and knowing the work the person in front of me did… No words, just waaauuw!

Even though we might have set an overall goal, the specific aim of that day might have a different detail in it - so I always double check at the beginning; think ‘all roads lead to Rome’.
The desire that was expressed was coming into center (and staying there). Already here, tons of respect for feeling that specific but oh so important detail!

Early on in the session blockages came up, preventing us from moving forward in the process. Fear of speaking their own truth. Fear of pushing other people away by using their truth, their voice. Also here, isn’t it beautiful? A part that we don’t see the purpose of is actually, in this case, trying to protect the person in the only way it knows how to do it.

Going deeper into the conversation with that body/mind piece we came to a beautiful point; what the fear needed was to let go of the sadness that was inside. Equal, more frustration in the client “This again?!” We talked this fear and this sadness trough and came to a point where we realized that the client hadn’t been able to release all, because the body was trying to protect itself in the only way it knows from the past.

My point with this sharing, when body/mind pieces are present we often see them as something negative since they are blocking us from getting to our goal. If we then dare to go into a conversation with these parts, we actually learn why the body does what it does. Often falling back on patterns learned from an early age, the only pattern that the body knows to survive. All our body is trying to do is protect us and survive, whatever cost necessary.

For the upcoming spring, are you ready to come to peace and integrate these old patterns that are actually not helping you anymore? Plant the seeds with me for new, useful patterns.
Write in the comments what this story does with you. Do you have body/mind pieces that aren’t integrated yet?


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