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Evening Meditation

Hi everyone!

I invite you into my container to follow an online guided meditation. This is an online event that will come back every first week of a new month. I will switch the days, so people can join when it fits them best!

Topic: How to handle emotions (e.g. anger)?

For who is this?

• M/F/X who are 18+
• For all who wants a moment to ground their body - out of the head, into the body
• And as last, for everyone who would like to create a collective space where we can show up as 110% ourselves and with all the emotions and feelings that come with it.

Basically, this invitation is for who is ready to go into their body in stillness, or with gentle and nurturing movements, and meet whatever might be there in that moment of our call.

What's on the schedule?

• Short introduction into the specific topic
Max 15 minutes I'll spend on a specific topic. Giving you a tiny introduction into it. 

• Guided breathing/meditation for approximately 30’
The goal of the meditation is to ground our body and meet any emotions that are present; being aware of any thoughts and voices in our head and let them flow by coming back to our felt sense.

• Time for questions and/or celebrations

How to prepare yourself?

To prepare yourself for this meditation, start by downloading Zoom beforehand. Sit down in a quiet room with stable internet and have a headset handy if you need one. It can be handy to have a place where you can both be seated or laying down with a cozy blanket if you like. Beforehand, give some thought to your intentions for our time together. Mine is to ground our bodies and be aware/accept any and all emotions that might be present.

Don’t forget to register at least 30’ before the event!

Feel free to contact me with any questions!

5 June

Evening Meditation